Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Cooking Class!

So, remember when I moved to Dallas 7 months ago and Blake got me that cooking class?  Well, I finally used it and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

I was a bit nervous when I walked in the class because it was a few couples, and a few old people.  I chose to team up with the old people and it was a blast.

I'll do a few posts on some of the recipes because there were some HUGE winners, but wanted to tell you about some cooking tips I learned before I forget.  Remember, I've only been cooking for a couple of years, so don't laugh at me if you already know some (or all) of these.
There are three rules for cooking meat:
1.  You should bring ALL meats (except fish) to room temperature before cooking.
2.  A good sear is great for caramelization.
3.  Always let your meat rest before serving.

Now, I never seared my meat unless the recipe called for it.  Not only does it make it so much prettier, but it cooks in the oven so much faster when you do this.  Just pour some oil in a pan over medium high heat, let it get hot, then throw on the meat.  The "caramelization process" is complete when the meat will easily lift up- make sure to not turn it before the process is complete.

OK, that's all I can think of for now.  Recipes to follow soon!  Oh, and if you want to come do a cooking class with me soon, you're ALL invited- what a great girls' night that would be?!

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