So, this week hasn't been the easiest week for me.
It actually started off bad late Saturday when the Sooners lost to Texas Tech. I knew we might have a tough road to the championship, but I definitely didn't think it would be them that knocked us off. Plus, now I have to think of a new idea for Blake's birthday present (he was going to get tickets). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. : )
Then, Sunday came along. I had a busy day of running errands, as I was starting work on Monday and wanted to be all prepared. I woke up a bit sad because my sweet nieces were having a joint birthday party on Sunday. Since I didn't get back from California until late Saturday, I wasn't able to make the drive down to go... I wasn't a happy camper. I have NEVER missed anything for either of my nieces and I couldn't believe I wasn't going to get to go to their birthday party. I mean, how could you not want to see cute moments like this:
I survived Sunday with just a few tears and tried to keep myself busy by getting ready for my first week of work in the new city.
I got to work on Monday (I was actually early, which NEVER happens in the morning- ha) and walked into my office to find out that my computer still hadn't been moved to my office and hooked up. A few hours later, I finally had a computer, then was on the phone with our IT department for about three hours: first I couldn't get logged in, then my voicemail wasn't working properly, then all my emails had disappeared out of my email folders... they were doing update after update so I couldn't use my computer. It's kinda hard to work without a computer these days. : ) I finally went home and was so excited to see that maintenance had finally hooked up my dryer (the vent was messed up) so I could do laundry for the first time in 2.5 weeks (I thought it would be smart to wait until I moved to do laundry). So, I threw some laundry in the washer and went into the living room to do some computer work from home. About 30 minutes later, I decided I wanted to make some cookies and walked into the kitchen to see this:

My washer wasn't hooked up properly... and I had to clean it all up. And I couldn't call my dad, brother, one of my friend's husbands to help me get it fixed (Blake is AWESOME at a lot of thinks, but being "handy" isn't his specialty). After the day I had, I lost it and just started bawling on the couch like a baby.
If you know me, I'm not a big cryer... this move has changed that- ha!
Well, Tuesday went much better than Monday... I had a great day of meetings at work, then Blake and I went to shop for me a new table. It's pretty hard to buy furniture when you're living in an apartment... you don't want to buy furniture specifically for an apartment... you want to buy it for your future house that you have no idea what it will look like. Anyway, after shopping at about five stores, I found this and fell in love:
Isn't it cute? I thought it would be great and very versatile... hopefully I think the same thing when I get a house!!!
I went to Blake's house and made dinner (an AWESOME lasagna recipe from, of course, Natalie) that I'll have to blog about later... although I forgot to take a picture of the awesome-ness and did FOUR loads of laundry- that's a lot for one person!!!
So, back to my "fun" week: I woke up this morning to some REALLY itchy eyes. I looked in the mirror and my bottom eyelids were completely swollen up and bright red.... both of them. I looked like a freak. I promptly sent a text to my eye doctor (who happens to be one of my best friend's husband) in Tulsa (I haven't looked into doctors here yet) who told me to wear my glasses for a few days... FAIL. I decided make-up probably wouldn't be the best either, not to mention it wouldn't cover up ANYTHING. So, I made the executive decision to work from home today. I couldn't go in the office looking like this on my third day... I'd scare people!!! So, Blake told me he was going to watch the World Series with the guys. I thought I would call some girls and get a happy hour together and have a Girl's Night (I LOVE those)... then it hit me: I'm not in Tulsa anymore... I have no friends in Dallas. OUCH. Blake knew something was wrong and kept asking me (unfortunately, I don't hide things well). I kept saying I was just tired and my eyes hurt (they did). I didn't want to talk to him about it for a few reasons:
1. I don't want him to think he can't go have fun with his friends just because I'm new here. He has every right to have guy's nights (I for one, love my girl time!!) and I want him to have fun with his friends.
2. I knew I wouldn't be able to express that I missed my friends and family tremendously without crying (did I mention I'm not normally a cryer??)
3. I know I'm stronger than how I'm acting.
Anyway, after a sad morning, I forced myself to get out of the house and run some errands. I also received some great advice tonight... that the "enemy" is doing this to make me question my decision and bring me down. Trial after trial might happen, but I just have to stay strong and fight the battle.
Between you and me: I'm ready for the "battle" to be over. : )